Images > Overview of the Control Panel

Appearance & Function
Appearance & Function

The Appearance & Function section of your Control Panel allows you to control your Layout, Fonts, Colors, along with several other customizations such as your social media settings, logotypes and mobile options.

Layout -- Click on Layout to view the options for your overall site design. The Layouts differ in the way they display images, and overall site navigation. Simply click on the one you want to use, or preview, and your site changes. Whichever Layout the asterisk is in, is the Layout you are currently using.

Background Color / Pattern -- Click here to select a background for your site. Use the color wheel to select a color, or the pattern area to select a pattern.

Title Font & Color -- Click here to select your Website Title font and color (generally, the Website Title is where people list their name).

Navigation Font & Color -- Click here to select your Navigation font and color (the parts of your site that your visitors use to navigate the content, so the Artwork section, Contact Page, News, Links, PDF files and so on).

Headings Fonts & Color -- Click here to select your Headings font and color. This is the font that is listed above your images that allow your visitors to navigate your content while within your Artwork section.

Body Font & Color -- Click here to select your Body Font and color (the text that makes up the main body of your site).

Links Color -- This color wheel controls any and all links on your site. This includes your sale price, if you have any work for sale, as well as any links you create using special formatting.

Copyright Color -- This color wheel controls the color of the text of your copyright.

Sharing & Social Media -- This is where your sharing options are listed. You can select which social media platforms you wish to engage with, and whether or not you want your visitors to be able to click on those links to share to those platforms.

Share/Protect Images -- This is where you can select whether or not you want your visitors to be able to right-click download your images.

Website Title -- The text that is at the top of your site. Generally people list their name.

Gallery Titles -- You can elect your Gallery Text Rollover settings here. When visitors roll over your Galleries, you can choose to have none at all, or have Light or Dark Rollover text.

Desktop Logotype -- If you would like to upload a custom designed logotype in a program like Photoshop or Illustrator, you can do so here. Or you can elect to allow us to automatically create simple logotype for the Desktop version of your website using the Title Font, Size and Color you have selected.

Mobile Logotype -- As with the Desktop Logotype, if you would like to upload a custom designed logotype for the mobile version of your site in a program like Photoshop or Illustrator, you can do so here. Or you can elect to allow us to automatically create simple logotype for the Desktop version of your website using the Title Font, Size and Color you have selected.

Mobile Menu -- You can select some mobile menu options here. Select from the classic 'three-line' menu icon or classy 'MENU' bar options below. You can also choose the alignment of your Website Title.

Copyright -- The text you wish to list as your Copyright.

Favicon -- If you'd like, you can upload a Favicon to your site. It will appear next to your URL while people type your URL in their browser.